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NWI Open Gym 11/14
# 13434CheerIndianaFall 2024 season
Start Date:Thursday, November 14, 2024

Open Gym From 6:00PM to 7:00PM -S10 registration

location iconCFTF - IN, 5347 Building F, East US Hwy 6 Portage, IN 46368
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Instructor Vanessa Paugh
Semester Length:1 weeks
Last Class:11/14/2024
Cancellation Dates:N/A

Open Gym From 6:00PM to 7:00PM -S10 registration

location iconCFTF - IN, 5347 Building F, East US Hwy 6 Portage, IN 46368
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Instructor Vanessa Paugh
Semester Length:1 weeks
Last Class:11/14/2024
Cancellation Dates:N/A